Dr. Antonio Stecco

Between 2001-2007, Antonio Stecco obtained his Degree for Physician and Surgeon at the University of Padua. His thesis concerned “Analytical comparison of the fasciae of trunk and limbs”. He completed the Fellowship musculoskeletal ultrasonography (2010-2011) at the UMDNJ/Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation – USA.

Between 2008-2012, he undertook a Postgraduate specialization in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, at the University of Padua, and developed his thesis “Chronic neck pain: comparison between the traditional rehabilitation treatment and Fascial Manipulation”.

He obtained in 2011-2012 the National Diploma in Ultrasound Clinics, issued by the Italian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology.

Further, he is Assistant President of the International Association of Physiatrist (ISPRM) and Assistant Professor at Rusk Rehabilitation at the Faculty at New York University.

He is self-employed: carries out the activities related to the medical office; personally makes cadaver dissections for research; committed to anatomy of human bundles research.

Antonio Stecco teaches theory and practice of the Fascial Manipulation method both in Italy and abroad. In this respect, he is:

  • Author of various presentations at International Conferences held in all the continents.
  • Author of more than 20 in extenso papers about the fascial anatomy and physiology.
  • Coauthor of the book entitled “Fascial Manipulation”, published by Piccin in 2010, translated in English.
  • Coauthor of some chapters of fascial anatomy in the book entitled ” Fascia in Manual Therapy” (Elsevier, 2010) and in other publications.

Antonio is also founding member and current president of the Fascial Manipulation Association.

Andere docenten

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Dr. Antonio Stecco

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Amarins Wijma-Wester

Benoy Mathew

Alan Sealy

Matthijs van Speybroeck

Msc. Paul de Buck

Msc. Maaike van der Hoeven

Dr. Erwin van Spil

Wendy Walrabenstein

Dr. Geert van der Sluis

Mariëtte de Rooij PhD

Arjan de Zwart PhD

Dr. Dieuwke Schiphof

Dr. Martin van der Esch

Dr. Jesper Knoop

Frederick Lanszweert

Stijn Vangheluwe

Maarten Stragier

Prof. dr. C. Paul van Wilgen


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