
€ 299,-
Datum: Dinsdag 12 december 2023
Tijd: 09:00 - 17:00u
Locatie: Amsterdam
Docent: Alan Sealy

Algemene informatie

This one day course is suitable for physiotherapists, physicians and other health professionals wishing to learn how to successfully assess and treat the dizzy patient. The course is practical in nature, evidence based and fully referenced. A mix of theory lectures and practical sessions make up an inspiring day of education about this topic.

Participants completing this course will gain a greater understanding of the anatomy, biomechanics, assessment and evidence-based treatment of this interesting and complicated subject.

On completion, the participants should be able to:

  • Understand the scale of the problems associated with dizziness and recognise the need for vestibular assessment
  • Recognise peripheral from central vestibular disorders and other serious pathology
  • Incorporate a basic vestibular examination into their usual neuromusculoskeletal
  • assessments
  • Identify common vestibular pathologies and plan appropriate rehab programmes
  • Diagnose and treat common variant positional vertigo (BPPV)
  • Integrate vestibular treatment with Spinal Manipulative Therapy

Overige informatie

De cursus zal verzorgd worden in het Aristo Meeting Centre te Amsterdam (sloterdijk). Het Aristo Meeting Centre is goed te bereiken met het openbaar vervoer en met de auto. De cursus bedraagt € 299,- (vrijgesteld van BTW) inclusief lunch en lesmateriaal (digitaal).

Aristo Meeting Centre
Teleportboulevard 100
1043 EJ Amsterdam


Geaccrediteerd 6 punten Kwaliteitshuis Fysiotherapie (KRF/SKF)

Registers: Algemeen, Manueel en Orafaciaal


Datum: 12 december 2023
Tijd: 09:00 tot 17:00 uur


Alan Sealy

Alan Sealy

Alan Sealy, Bsc (hons), Grad dip Manipulative Physiotherapy, graduated from Sheffield Hallam University in 1996, where he also took his post graduate manipulative therapy qualification in 1999. With a background in manual therapy, Alan Sealy now works as a clinical Specialist in Vestibular Rehabilitation. Initially within the NHS, and as a partner in private practice in Sheffield, Alan developed an early interest in dizziness and balance disorders.Whilst on a lecture tour in Norway he was invited to establish ‘Balanseklinikken’, in Oslo. As the Director of Rehabilitation in Scandinavia’s busiest balance clinic, and more recently as Director of Aberdeen Balance Clinic, Alan Sealy has treated and helped over 7000 dizzy patients. This considerable experience is utilized in research and educational courses throughout Scandinavia and the UK. Alan has presented at a number of national and international conferences in the field of vestibular rehabilitation and has had papers published in peer-reviewed journals. Now based in Aberdeen, his time is split between his private practice, lecturing and research.

Niveau / Doelgroep


Post HBO


Fysiotherapeuten en manueel therapeuten


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